July 17th Game @ Cocoa Expo Stadium
Photos by Steve Smith, www.spacecoastbaseball.com

Orlando Dragons head coach Mark Schanback confers with Rockets head coach Toby Hagelberger before the suspended game resumes.


Mark Schanback doubles as his relief pitcher to help the Dragons complete the suspended game.


Duane Williams attempts a steal of the wide-side (white) second base.


Shane Williams scores from the flip-side for the Rockets.


Kevin Huerta and Eddie Freeman lead off from their second bases. Kevin is on the flip-side, Eddie is on the wide-side.


Rockets catcher Evan Proctor blocks the plate as Dragons runner Christian Avevado tries to score.


Christian Avevado appeals to a higher authority after he's called out at home.


Only in the NXBL ... The Dragons' Dustin Williams heads for the flip-side second base while Jason Bargerstock holds at the wide-side second base.


The Dragons' catcher has a good laugh. The game's supposed to be fun, isn't it?

Rockets outfielder Duane Williams and his date for the evening.